Luke 15:23
“…Let’s have a feast and celebrate.”
You have something to celebrate!!! If there was any reason to have a celebration this is one!
Even the Angels in heaven are celebrating your salvation!
Luke 15:10
“…I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents (gets saved).”
This is something to celebrate, because every salvation deserves celebration!
Luke 15:23-24
“…Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead(in sin) and is alive again(in salvation); he was lost(of the world) and is found(Of God).’ So they began to celebrate.”
Because God has:
Colossians 1:13-14
“…rescued us(saved us) from the dominion of darkness(sin, Satan, and the world) and brought us into the kingdom of the Son(the Kingdom of God) he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”
Now you don’t have to have a massive expensive party, but you should acknowledge it with some type of celebration:
But think about this:
If you celebrate your birthday (the day of your birth/coming of age) and that is worth celebrating, usually with a big party and also even celebrating your wedding anniversary and make it a special day, which is also worth celebrating. Surely being saved from eternal punishment and being born again to live for eternity is something to REALLY celebrate. In fact, there is probably no greater reason to have a celebration in your life!
So, you should celebrate!
While you could celebrate anyway you want (apart from sin and it being inappropriate) here are some ideas for how to celebrate:
Make a day to celebrate
You could make a certain time to celebrate but like all special days you should celebrate today or the day you were saved. If for some reason you can't celebrate you should choose the next day you can celebrate.
Thank God
You could thank God in prayer for showing you the way and saving you, you can express how grateful you are to be saved and have a new life.
Have worship music/ sing worship music
Worship music especially the ones I’m talking about are songs made to worship and honor God; you could have worship music (also called Christian music) to sing and worship or you could worship God yourself with your own voice.
Go out to eat or go on a trip
You could also go out to eat or take a special trip as custom with some celebrations today. You could go out to eat at a restaurant in the area or go to someone else’s house to eat. Or you could go on a special trip somewhere like a vacation to celebrate.
Or Make it a party
If you want you could make it a traditional party: with music, food, games, decorations, presents. It can be fun (you don’t have to do all of this, of course, once again it's just a suggestion).
Invite people (family/friends)
If you have a party, you could invite your family and friends who are happy for your salvation or are Christians themselves. However, if your family or friends are not Christians themselves or might not be happy to see your new belief/faith it might be best not to invite them. If you do want to have a party and still want to invite people, you could seek out other Christians (a church) and invite them to come.
Have a speech to tell your salvation
With having a party and guests you could have a speech (or have someone make a speech about you if they have known you for a while) to tell and confess how salvation has change you and what the party’s for.
Make your day of salvation an anniversary
After this day you could always remember the day, you were saved by having a celebration on this day every year to remember and celebrate being saved. It can be like your birthday or Anniversary
Whenever or however, you celebrate your salvation, the important thing is to just acknowledge it! Because it worth celebrating (and the author and true Christians everywhere celebrate with you!), but after the celebration your new life begins…